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Hello, Entropians. My name is Gill Greed Gush (at least Avatar's).

I had been hosting those free hunt events because of the following reasons;
1. to let newbies experience activities other than bloody boring Sweating,
which, I believe, is killing the precious new player base of the Entropia Universe,
2. to contribute for the society and the future of this sweet game,
3. to involve everyone contribute for something we ought to pay respect and cherish.
It costed me about 3PED/participant and I was affording it by myself for the above reasons,
I was receiving occasional donations as shown below and I do appreciate every one of them deeply,
for sharing the same spirit for the future of the Entropia Universe, as wellas saving my financial ass.
Yes, I love silly ideas !

Best regards,


List of Donations made to support the Events,

THX to all who gave rides and/or returned given weapons !!

29th DEC 2017 / gallia catara seven / 480 PED
1st JUL 2017 / bombel cool advanture / Free skildek x3
11th JUN 2017 / Dr Jekyll Morris / Free skildek x3
3rd JUN 2017 / bombel cool advanture / Free skildek x3
20th JAN 2017 / Anonymous Avatar / PEDs
27th NOV 2016 / demi deminish nishap / Sollomate Rubio (L) x3
5th NOV 2016 / Anonymous Avatar / Explosive projectiles
25th SEP 2016 / Anonymous Avatar / PEDs
18th SEP 2016 / Anonymous Avatar / Sollomate Rubio (L) x4 and Skildek Lancehead (L) x1
25th JUL 2016 / Anonymous Avatar / PEDs and Bunch of Skildek Lancehead (L)
2nd JUL 2016 / Anonymous Avatar / Sollomate Rubio (L) x8 and Skildek Lancehead (L) x1
20th JUN 2016 / Fuad lotuseuy Khusen / Sollomate Rubio (L) x10
11th JUN 2016 / Anonymous Avatar / PEDs
6th JUN 2016 / Celine Lyn White / Her loots from 013 Hunt
5th JUN 2016 / Celine Lyn White / Her loots from 012 Hunt
5th JUN 2016 / Jan Candydog NL Universe / His loots from 011 Hunt
28th MAY 2016 / Dr Jekyll Morris / Loots he got from the 006 hunt
22th MAY 2016 / Dr Jekyll Morris / Sollomate Rubio (L)
22th MAY 2016 / Michel WolfCraws Leboeuf / bunch of Omegaton B101 (L) and Sollomate Azuro (L)21th MAY 2016 / Txx Bxx Dxx / Herman ARK-0 (L)






















Entropia Universe™ is a registered trademark of MindArk PE AB®. All logos, brand names and concepts are the sole property of their respective owners. 

gillg is in no way endorsed by or affiliated with MindArk PE AB®.

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